Enjoy the Whole Chipotle Spicy Roast or the Whole Chipotle Spicy Ribs...

...or the Solo B Plate which comes with a quarter chicken or a half slab rib.

Both Solo B Plates come with two side dishes, java rice, and muffin. Each plate also comes with the two new sauces: Salsa Caliente and Salsa Verde.

Try this delectable new dish: creamed corn. It has a creamy white sauce tossed with crispy and juicy corn gratinated with cheddar cheese.

To complete the Mexican fiesta experience, you can also try the Grilled Tortilla as an add-on.

#KennyChipotleSpicyRoastRibs #KennyRogersPH
Kenny Rogers brings back the Chipotle Spicy Roast and Ribs
Last January 2022, the Chipotle Spicy Roast and Ribs made a comeback at Kenny Rogers Roasters Philippines.
Complimenting it are two new sauce options: the Salsa Caliente to bring the spice to the next level, and the Salsa Verde to balance and clean the palate with its citrus flavors.
...or the Solo B Plate which comes with a quarter chicken or a half slab rib.
Both Solo B Plates come with two side dishes, java rice, and muffin. Each plate also comes with the two new sauces: Salsa Caliente and Salsa Verde.
Try this delectable new dish: creamed corn. It has a creamy white sauce tossed with crispy and juicy corn gratinated with cheddar cheese.
To complete the Mexican fiesta experience, you can also try the Grilled Tortilla as an add-on.
#KennyChipotleSpicyRoastRibs #KennyRogersPH
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